Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

What a beautiful weekend to start the new year. The sun was absolutely gorgeous highlighting my crazy husband and fellow trail runners as they ran into Cultus Lake, the water spraying up in a halo of colors, as their screams echoed around the shoreline.  I admired their courage and stamina as I watched safely on the shore, with a Starbucks Peppermint Mocha in my hand on the first day of January. What a cool way to start the year, (or chilly) it must just take your breath away, your heart stopping for a fraction of a second as the freezing water touches your skin.  Refreshing is an understatement.
This year is going to be so exciting for us, we have leased unit #3-45555 Market Way in Garrison Village.  Soon there will be a leased sticker plastered in the window and they'll start building the walls next week. Things are slowly falling into place.  Next Tuesday we're going to the BCSRA show (BC Sports Rep Association) to check out sports clothing, shoes and accessories that we can sell in the store.  When it's official I'll post the names of the lines we'll be carrying.  It feels good that everything is slowly coming together, but also scary. When I think of all the things I have to do my heart stops and my breath catches in my throat for a second.  In a way I think I did take that plunge, maybe not in a chilly lake, but in our store; and mind you, I'll still have my mocha firmly clenched in my hand.

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